2017 Christmas Campaign

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In December of each year, the Clinton Public Hospital Foundation mails out our annual Christmas Letter.  We take this opportunity to thank our generous donors, send our Season’s Greetings and update our community on the success of our fundraising events from throughout the past year.  The financial support we receive from our donors helps to reinforce the existing strengths of our hospital and keep pace with future technology.  We are very fortunate to have to support of such a caring and compassionate community.

If for any reason you did not receive our 2017 Christmas Letter, please click HERE to read it now.  If you wish to contribute towards our Christmas Campaign by making a financial donation, you may visit the Foundation Office, mail your donation to the office or donate online.  Thank you once again for your support throughout the year and during this festive season.  The Clinton Public Hospital Foundation Board of Directors and Staff would like to wish you and yours Happy Holidays and all the best throughout the New Year!

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