2023 CKNX Health Care Heroes Radiothon

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Mark your calendar for the 2023 Annual CKNX Health Care Heroes Radiothon on Oct 21, 2023!
The Radiothon is a huge fundraising day for all the Foundations. Over the past six years, the Radiothon has raised $13,747.598. This would not be possible without your support!
The Clinton Public Hospital Foundation’s 2023 Radiothon goal is to raise $30,000 for a Ophthalmic Lift Chair and Surgery Kit which are needed for cataract surgeries. Please help us reach our goal by donating on Radiothon Day – call 519-537-1310, or donating before Radiothon Day by cash, cheque, e-transfer or credit card at the Clinton Public Hospital Foundation office, or by texting HERO CLINTON 41010 to donate $10 during the month of October!

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