Foundation Office Closed to Visitors

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The Clinton Public Hospital Foundation Office is currently closed to visitors, as we continue to do our part to avoid the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
You can still reach the Foundation during this time, as voicemail and email will be monitored during regular hours.  The office is normally staff on Tuesdays (8-4), Wednesdays (8-4) and Fridays (8-12).
Phone: 519-482-3440 ext:6297
If you are wishing to make a donation to the Foundation, you may do so by mailing your cheque to the Foundation Office (98 Shipley Street, Clinton, ON, N0M 1L0), by credit card over the phone or by visiting our website to make your donation online. (  If you wish to make your donation via etransfer, please contact the Foundation Office for details.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. Be well and stay safe!

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