On Monday, April 1, 2019, at their annual general meeting, the Auxiliary to the Clinton Public Hospital presented the Foundation with a cheque in the amount of $18,000 for the purchase of equipment for the hospital.  The equipment to be purchased with these funds includes a Triple Channel IV Pump, a Tablet Table and 2 Chairs for the in-patient unit, and a Laryngoscope.

The Auxiliary hosts several fundraising events throughout the year in support of purchasing equipment for the Clinton Public Hospital.  In 2019, these events include:

  • Irish Stew Luncheon (March 15)
  • Card Cavalcade in Clinton (April 12)
  • Tag Day (May 3)
  • Card Cavalcade in Bayfield (May 10)
  • Hot Dog Days (May 31 & June 1)
  • Annual Penny Sale (September 16-28)
  • Gift of Light Celebration (November 29)
  • 50/50 Raffle (Tickets available until draw date – November 29)

The Auxiliary to the Clinton Public Hospital and the Clinton Public Hospital Foundation would like to extend their sincere appreciation to those who support these fundraising events.  We are lucky to live in such a generous community.  When you support any of these events, you are supporting a future purchase of equipment for our hospital.  Thank you!

Pictured here, Auxiliary members present the Foundation with the cheque.  From left to right: Jane Groves (CPH Foundation Director), Darlene McCowan (CPH Foundation Coordinator), Kathleen Siertsema (Auxiliary Treasurer), Helen Roorda (Auxiliary Gift Shop Treasurer), and Marsha Taylor (Auxiliary President).  Photo by Pat Taylor.