On Wednesday, October 30th, staff of Clinton Public Hospital, along with members of HPHA Management, the Clinton Public Hospital Foundation, the Clinton Public Hospital Auxiliary, and the HPHA Board of Directors, joined together for the official opening of the new accessible tub and shower room on the inpatient unit at the hospital.  Greetings and words of gratitude were expressed, followed by the official ribbon cutting to celebrate the completion of the new room.

In 2017, HPHA identified that the hospital was in need of a new accessible tub, as well as a chair lift with scale for the inpatient unit.  In 2018, the Foundation transferred $57,352 from funds raised at Clinton Raceway’s 2017 Legends Day, to purchase the tub, the lift and to cover costs associated with the installation.  Early in 2019, as plans moved forward with the tub project, HPHA identified an additional need for funding for an accessible shower in the same room, along with associated renovation costs.  The CPH Foundation Board of Directors decided that funds raised at both Clinton Raceway’s 2019 Legends Day and the 2019 CKNX Health Care Heroes Radiothon would be used towards the accessible shower room project.  With approximately $120,000 needed additionally to complete the accessible tub and shower room, the project began earlier this year as it needed to move forward.  Legends Day raised $55,691 towards the project and preliminary numbers show that this year’s Radiothon has raised an additional $28,000 to date.  Funds raised from both events will be transferred to HPHA once final numbers have been calculated.

At Wednesday’s celebration, Laura Brown, Manager Inpatient Unit and ER, did the honour of cutting the ribbon, followed by a tour of the room led by Barb Dalgliesh, CPH PSW.  The new room looks wonderful and was designed with both patients and staff in mind.  The shower and tub are accessible for patient needs, while optimizing functionality for staff.

The Clinton Public Hospital Foundation is truly grateful for the support of community partners, those who participated in the fundraising events and to the donors who make projects like this possible.  It is amazing how people come together in support of our hospital and the health care of our community.  On behalf of the Clinton Public Hospital Foundation Board of Directors and Staff, HPHA and the Clinton Public Hospital, THANK YOU!  Your support and generosity have made this project possible.